Some of you may recall this quote from our early wine labels:
-the back of early Soldier Creek wine labels
“After an unfortunate hog barn fire in 2002, the Secor family reflected on the business and decided to diversify by planting cold-hardy grapevines.”
Well. We diversified again approximately 1 year ago by expanding what we offered at the winery– we made a hard cider (made with cider from Community Orchards), boosted with wine. NOM!
Over this year we have had interest increase a lot for what felt like a fun, side-venture! The interest has increased so much that we had to finally settle on our name and hire (in-house! Thanks Mary!) someone to make us a logo.
You can find Ghost Pig at the winery, River Hops Brewing, and Sneakers Eatery & Pub. Want to see it at your local bar? Ask for it and give them our name! It’s up to the business owner to carry our cider (and wine), so the more they hear from YOU, the better!
Oh! The name! Right! Let’s get back to that. Back to the quote:
“After an unfortunate hog barn fire in 2002, the Secor family reflected on the business and decided to diversify by planting cold-hardy grapevines.”
-the back of early Soldier Creek wine labels
So. As you can see, our original “Senior Vineyard” (to the North, if you’ve visited) was planted atop the site of a hog barn fire. As you can imagine, we lost some pigs in that fire.
If you believe in that sort of thing– we have some really delicious grapes planted among the spirits of past pigs.
Hence, Ghost Pig.
We wanted the cider to have a different vibe than our wines– we needed it to feel a bit punk and hipster. So, we dug deep and found a name that really speaks to the history of the vineyard and checks all the boxes. Ghost Pig.
Mary (Alves) works part time at the wine bar and was able to design our new logo– to help put the thought into a visual. And, there you have it!
It’s a short story, but it’s important. So, there you have it! Try the cider named after the pigs of Secor Farm’s past 🙂
With MIDBEST love,