many of you know our hours

The winery is only open during the weekend: Friday 4-8PM, Saturday 1-6PM, and Sunday 1-5PM.  So, of course, you know what we do then! BUT, what the heck are we doing Monday-Thursday?

we are wine making

I mean, the wine doesn’t make itself!

But really, the wine is a pretty full-time job in the fall. There’s the daily checking of the fermentation process, racking, fining, and more!

In the spring, we start bottling– and that is an all-hands-on-deck job that takes entire days in a row.

we are planning

Guys, we LOVE being your favorite choice for entertainment in Fort Dodge, but that takes a lot of planning!

We spend months planning big events like our Good ‘Vine’brations Harvest Festival and our Spring Craft Fair. We want to be prepared for everything and make sure the events are perfect for you all!

Amanda plans the music for Fridays (and Sundays during the summer) months in advance. A lot of musicians contact us, but we also find them. That’s no easy feat!

we are donating

Soldier Creek Winery receives a lot of requests to donate to different charities and fundraisers in and around Fort Dodge, and we sift through the requests to see what works for us and how we can help the city of Fort Dodge.

we are keeping you engaged

You want to know what we are up to daily, and we provide via our Facebook and Instagram accounts! We love to see your likes and comments on our accounts, but we really love when you tag us in your pictures from your time at Soldier Creek Winery! So keep on tagging.

we are hosting private events

Many private tours and events occur during the week and after hours– from bridal showers to corporate events to holiday parties, we keep the tasting bar busy! Book your event here.

we are working in the vineyard

During the Spring, Summer, and early Fall the vineyard work is in full swing. We are pruning, preening, and generally keeping the plants healthy and alive 3 of the 4 season through the year. With 10 acres of vineyard, this is no small task!

we are there for you

When you need us most. Last minute gift? Left something over the weekend and need it ASAP? Or you just need a bottle of wine? We are usually here, just contact us!


this is only a taste

But, needless to say, we keep busy 🙂

with midbest love,
